
Hoppsan, ja!

Socialdemokraternas ordförande i Malmö, Christine Axelsson, slant med tungan och fick inte ut orden i rätt ordning under en morgonintervju för TV4 Nyheter Öresund den 28 maj 2007. Tänk vad fel det kan bli... men, ack, vad roligt samtidigt.


The chairman of the socialdemocrats in Malmö, Christine Axelsson, tripped with her toungue and didn't exactely get the words out of her mouth in correct order during a morning interview for TV4 Nyheterna Öresund the 28th of May 2008. Wow, how wrong it can get sometimes... but, hell, in the same time very funny.

The translation:

The Reporter: The problems we can see now, for instance in Aq-va-kul [the public water amusement park], how important is it for Malmö that we try to solve those?

Christine Axelsson: Well, of course it's very important. As for Malmö, the largest city in the 3rd Reich (= Hitler's name for his Germany, but she meant "the 3rd largest city in the country"), must have a facility that can recieve every visitor that want to come and learn how to swim... bla... bla.

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